Stirrup leathers Emendo Soft Wide - Brown
Eqviptus Stirrup leathers Emendo Soft Wide
Emendo wide stirrup leathers are made with a proper internal reinforcement, double stitching and fine and soft calfskin which, together with the stabilizing function, contributes but minimally to chafing on your covers.
Our stirrup leathers are made with consideration for optimal comfort and quality, and with fine and functional details.
- Wide and functional stirrup leathers in calfskin, fit all English saddles and stirrups.
- Contributes to a more stable leg, wide enough to distribute the pressure against both the leg and the saddle and minimize the risk of pinching.
- Approved according to both FEI, USEF/USDF, BR and SvRF for competition on both ponies and horses in jumping, dressage and eventing.
- Sized for the smallest riders in size 115 to meet the need for short but stable leathers that work for shorter fairings.
Hole Spacing: Close holes with 20mm spacing for more precise fit. Number marking.
Sold in pairs! If you are between two sizes, choose the larger one as there are 25 holes and it will be even more sure to fit. Please contact us for size assistance.
Measuring instruction: The size of the stirrup leather is for the entire length of the leather. You can measure the distance between the stirrup fastening and stirrup and take it x2 and add what you want to be left over to the stirrup on the cover, roughly there you have your length.
We always recommend that you have a little margin for the end of the stirrup leather to lie still, so feel free to round up in size.
Width size at widest point
Width: 4 cm in size 115
Width: 5 cm in 125 - 165
Care advice - important!
Lubricate the product with conditioner, preferably with beeswax, as it protects the surface of the leather.
Avoid paraffin, glycerin soap/saddle soap and non-vegetable oils, they dry out the surface.
Clean (if dirty) with leather oil or mild cleaning product that does not require added water. Important to immediately have a protective product after cleaning. Do not roughen the surface, but use a soft cloth or sponge.
How often?
Of course depending on how frequent the use is, for the person who is a professional rider the wear is of course different from the person who rides at the hobby level for example.
Aim to lubricate them 1-3 times a month and only clean them if you really need to. DO NOT oil/lubricate them every day, they will saturate the leather. Applies to all leather equipment.
Usually the item will be sent from us within 1-3 working days after the order is received. Sometimes it happens that one of the goods you ordered is not in stock and this is then listed as remaining, that is, we reserve ourselves for final sale. If this happens, we always notify the customer in question and propose a new delivery time. If your order could not be shipped within the framework of our delivery times in these purchase conditions, you have the right to cancel your purchase.
We ship your item with Postnord and DHL, among others. Costs associated with shipping are stated in connection with the purchase.
Regarding exchanges, changes, complaints and returns. Please email us at first!
You have a free return and exchange right within 30 days of receiving the item, provided that you have not used the item and that it is returned in undamaged/unopened condition. All possible tags and labels must remain and the product's original packaging must also be returned. Take care of the item and package the unused item well before returning it. The item must be returned undamaged and in new condition. The right of return and exchange does not apply to special orders.
If it is also a complaint due to damaged goods or that we dispatched the wrong goods, we will refund you the return shipping at the same time as refunding what you paid for the goods if the goods are not still in stock.
You are responsible for the item until we receive it.
In case of exchange, return or complaint, we follow the Swedish Consumer Agency's rules for e-commerce (Consumer Purchase Act).
NOTE: Free return does not apply to products marked with "Outlet". Return shipping is paid by the buyer.
Regarding exchanges, changes, complaints and returns. Please email us at first!
1. You have full exchange rights within 30 days. Visit to see if your desired item is still available. If it is no longer available, you can instead exchange it for another/other goods. Always email us so we can reserve the new item for you ( If you don't do this, you run the risk of the item you want running out of stock before we have time to reserve the replacement.
2. Send the item back to us. All goods sent back must be well packaged and packed in a bag or box. When returning the item, put the item and its original box/packaging in a package or bag. You are responsible for the item until we receive it.
Send the item to address:
Eqviptus AB
Tostaryd 3
541 98 Värsås
We will solve a return slip/code for you, email us at the address mentioned above!
3. When we have received the return and approved it, we will send you the new item. If the new item is more expensive, you pay the difference against the invoice (10 days net) (only the difference) when you pick up the package and if it is cheaper, we will refund you the difference. If you paid against an invoice, you will be invoiced or credited/reimbursed for the difference. An exchange normally takes place 2-7 working days after we have received your item. Any refund normally takes place within 1-2 weeks (according to law a maximum of 30 days applies).
1. In the unlikely event that you regret your purchase, you return the item. You have full right of return within 30 days. Send with a copy of the delivery note clearly marking which articles are returned in the package. Always state the reason for the return.
2. Send the item back to us. All goods sent back must be well packaged and packed in a bag or box. When returning the item, put the item and its original box/packaging in a package or bag. You are responsible for the item until we receive it.
Send the item to address:
Eqviptus AB
Tostaryd 3
541 98 Värsås
We will solve a return slip/code for you, email us at the address mentioned above!
3. When we have received the return and approved it, we will pay you back the money. If you have chosen to pay by invoice, please note that it may be good to pay the invoice even if you return an item to avoid reminder fees if your due date is exceeded. Return NOT the unpaid invoice together with the goods to us (see below).
Refunds normally take place 1–2 weeks after we have received the item.
2. Return the faulty item to us. We will solve a return slip/code for you, email us at the address mentioned above!
Send the item to address:
Eqviptus AB
Tostaryd 3
541 98 Värsås
3. When we have received the item and approved the complaint, we will correct the error if possible and return the item. If the fault cannot be rectified, we will send a new item provided it is in stock. Should neither of the above two options be possible, we will refund you what you paid for the item. Be sure to leave your bank account number on the return form, the money will normally be refunded within two weeks (according to the law a maximum of 30 days applies).

Vår historia
Allt började när Viktoria insåg att det var svårt att hitta bra utrustning till dotterns älskade Welsh Mountain. I den stunden såddes ett frö – tanken på att skapa egen hästutrustning som kombinerar kvalitet och omtanke. Så föddes Eqviptus, ett familjeägt varumärke som är djupt engagerat i att erbjuda förstklassiga produkter för både häst och ryttare.

När vi designar våra produkter ställer vi alltid en enkel men viktig fråga: Vad är bäst för hästen?
Med denna filosofi i ryggen investerar vi mycket tid och energi i att hitta de absolut bästa lösningarna. Vårt team arbetar tillsammans med equiterapeuter, sadelutprovare och andra experter för att säkerställa att varje detalj är genomtänkt och optimerad. Genom omfattande tester och noggranna utvärderingar ser vi till att varje produkt inte bara är bekväm och säker, utan även förbättrar hästens prestation och välbefinnande.
Vanliga frågor!
Alla våra transaktioner är säkra och krypterade.
Betala med kontokort som VISA, Mastercard, Amex m.m eller Klarna.
Betala senare med Klarna
Betala nu med Klarna
Finansiera med Klarna -
Vi vet hur avgörande rätt utrustning är för att skapa en trygg och harmonisk relation mellan ryttare och häst. Vårt sortiment av produkter utvecklas hela tiden och passar både vardagsryttare och professionella ryttare. Vårt nära samarbete med skickliga hantverkare och pålitliga leverantörer säkerställer att våra produkter håller högsta kvalitet. Varje artikel är tillverkad med noggrant utvalda material för att garantera hållbarhet och pålitlighet.
Vanligtvis kommer varan skickas från oss inom 1-3 arbetsdagar efter att ordern mottagits. Vid hög belastning kan det ta något längre tid, hör av oss om du har bråttom så gör vi allt vi kan för att hjälpa dig!
Du har retur och bytesrätt inom 30 dagar från att du mottagit varan, förutsatt att du inte använt varan och att den returneras i oskadat och oanvänt skick. Alla ev lappar och etiketter måste sitta kvar samt returnera även varans originalförpackning. Var rädd om varan och emballera den oanvända varan väl innan du returnerar den. Varan ska återlämnas oskadad och i nyskick. Retur- och bytesrätten gäller inte specialbeställningar.
Du ansvarar för varan till dess att vi mottagit den.
Vid byte, retur eller reklamation går vi efter Konsumentverkets regler för e-handel (Konsumentköplagen).OBS: Returfrakt betalas av köparen. Det dras av på summan vid återbetalningen och kostar då 49kr.